“I Eat when I’m Stressed!” – Ways To Deal with Emotional Eating

This coronavirus self-isolation makes you feel stressed? Sad? Bored? Angry? As for me, it does make me feel stressed. I eat when I’m stressed. I have been staying at home … Read More

7 Ways to Prevent Coronavirus Spread – Business Owners Must Know!

  The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated the coronavirus as a pandemic. In fact, the government all over the world has designated this outbreak as a global disaster. It … Read More

11 Signs of Weak Immune System and How to Improve it

In the war against COVID-19, it is good to maintain our health and cleanliness. In addition, the thing that is also important is to boost our immunity system. Our immune … Read More

How to Make Your Own Disinfectant at Home: a Spraying Agent to Prevent Coronavirus

Cleaning furniture and household appliances with a disinfectant may be your routine every weekend. But in the midst of a corona virus pandemic, keeping all objects that are frequently touched … Read More

Stress Can Cause Shortness of Breath

  Stress can affect various functions of our body, including causing shortness of breath even if you do not suffer from respiratory disorders. In fact, some of them experience severe … Read More

Overcome Depression by Sleeping

In the midst of dense daily activities, many people underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep. If you have not been very sleepy or exhausted, you may delay procrastinating. Well, … Read More

Avoid Stress in Kids during Coronavirus Lockdowns

In an effort to cut the cycle of corona virus infection, governments in several countries have issued social distancing and policies to stop learning activities in schools for 14 days. … Read More

Keeping Mental Health Intact during Coronavirus Self-Isolation

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated the coronavirus pandemic as the”defining global health crisis of our time”, and urged countries to test all suspected cases of this novel virus. … Read More

Understanding the Difference between Stress and Anxiety

The burden of living from work, problems with your partner, financial problems, even family problems often expose you to unpleasant situations. Automatically, you will react, one of them through stress. … Read More