How to take care of stress?

How to Take Care of Stress? – Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

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Each one of us experiences stressful situations on an almost daily basis, whether it is caused by a minor pressure or a traumatic situation which can cause anger problems and ongoing stress. By understanding about stress, we will be able to take care of it and not let it rules over our lives.

“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth diminishing your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.”
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

What is stress?

Stress is a psychological and physical pressure that reacts when faced with situations that are considered dangerous. In other words, stress is your body’s way of responding to any type of demand, threat, or pressure.

When feeling threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing the flow of stress hormones, including the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Both of these hormones can cause a reaction in your body, including a rapid heartbeat, tense body muscles, increased blood pressure, and even faster breathing. This reaction is called “fight-or-flight” or stress response.

In its worst form, this psychological and physical pressure can make your body receive additional strength to defend itself. For example encouraging you to step on the brakes to avoid accidents. Indirectly, psychological and physical pressure can make you try to save yourself in something urgent and dangerous.

However, if this condition of psychological distress lasts for a long time and lasts continuously, it will endanger your mental and physical health. Among others such as:

  • mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders
  • heart disease
  • hypertension
  • digestive problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome

How common is this condition happening?

This health condition is very common. Stress can strike people at any age. This can be controlled by reducing your risk factors.

Also read: What is stress management? – Definition, Causes, Levels, Strategies, Tips


What are the symptoms and signs of stress?

Common symptoms of stress can be:

  • become irritable, frustrated, and moody
  • feel overwhelmed, like you will lose control or have to take control
  • find it difficult to relax and calm the mind
  • feeling inferior, lonely, worthless, and can lead to depression
  • avoid other people
  • not energized
  • headache
  • stomach ache
  • achy rheumatic pain, pain
  • insomnia
  • feeling constantly worried
  • inability to focus
  • bad judgment
  • pessimism
  • changes in appetite
  • nervous habit

There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have concerns about certain symptoms, consult your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

You should contact a doctor if you experience any of the following signs:

  • stress pressure occurs a long time ago
  • have mental problems, such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders
  • sexual dysfunction
  • skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, eczema
  • hair loss
  • stomach ache
  • nausea, dizzy
  • diarrhea or constipation

What causes this condition to occur?

Psychological situations and stresses that trigger stress are known as stressors. There are several causes, namely external reasons, internal reasons, and post-traumatic stress (PTSD).

External causes include:

  • big change in life
  • school or work
  • difficulties in relationships
  • financial Problem
  • too busy
  • children and family

Examples of internal causes:

  • your health, especially if you have chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis
  • emotional problems such as depression, sadness, regret or low self-esteem
  • self talk or negative thoughts
  • unrealistic expectations or your perfectionism
  • rigid thinking, less relaxed, or less laughing with friends
Also read: Stress Can Cause Shortness of Breath


What are the treatments for this condition?

Your doctor may use one or more of the following methods to treat your condition:

– Psychiatric evaluation to determine the cause of this condition

– Hospitalize if you are at risk of suicide or injuring others

– Drugs to relieve symptoms, such as anti-anxiety drugs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and – antidepressants.

– Cognitive behavioral therapy

– Exposure based therapy

– Hypnotherapy

In addition to the above methods, you can also do the following to overcome this condition.

1. Eat healthy foods

Many people vent their stress by eating as much as possible, so that sometimes they do not pay attention to the food consumed. Whether it’s healthy or not, the important thing is that the stress in your mind will subside after eating.

Healthy Food for the Soul
Healthy Food

Even though you’re stressed, you need to eat healthy foods too. You can eat avocados, berries, cashews, yogurt, or oranges as your outlet.

These healthy foods can help prevent you from feeling prolonged dizziness and stress. In addition, these foods contain good nutrition that has been proven to be able to provide energy boosts, reduce levels of the hormone cortisol, and increase levels of the hormone serotonin (a happy hormone).

2. Learn to relax

Relaxation is believed to be one way to relieve stress. Relaxation techniques can trigger a relaxation response, which is a physiological state characterized by warm feelings and calm thoughts. This is the opposite of the “fight or flight” response.


Relaxation techniques can also reduce anxiety and worry. This method can simultaneously increase your ability to cope with psychological and physical stress conditions.

With relaxation, blood flow to the brain increases and brain waves shift from alert, which displays a beta rhythm to a relaxed alpha rhythm. Common relaxation techniques include deep breathing, meditation, listening to soothing music, and activities such as yoga and tai chi.

3. Expand friendship


Loneliness makes it more difficult for you to manage psychological stress. People with a wide network of friends not only have a higher life expectancy but also have a lower risk of many types of diseases, compared to people who do not.

As one way to relieve stress, try to expand relationships, share with friends, or even spend time with loved ones to be able to recover quickly from conditions that suppress your psychological.

4. Talk to a professional therapist

Talk to Professional Therapist

Counseling to a psychological therapist can also be one of your efforts or ways to relieve stress. Talk to a psychologist can also help you find ways to eliminate the problems of psychological pressure that is whack.

Later the therapist will listen to your complaints, help you recognize what types of thoughts, and beliefs are causing you to become too psychologically depressed. Therapy can also help you suggest ways to help you change. However, this of all must be supported by your willingness to change, because the success of the therapist also needs to be supported by your intention.

5. Get enough rest

Get enough Zzz

Sleep and adequate rest can be one way to relieve stress. In fact, this is a prevention so that the body and mind are not easily depressed. Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep can disrupt mood and brain performance. If you experience psychological pressure and you lack sleep, your body will be more overwhelmed to defend yourself against disease. So, try to get enough sleep every night.


Also read: Overcome Depression by Sleeping


What are some lifestyle changes or home remedies that can be done to overcome this condition?

The following lifestyle changes and home remedies can help you deal with this condition:

  • Sports. Exercise helps to release pressure buildup and improve fitness. Exercise is recommended to be done at least three times per week to get optimal benefits. If you are not accustomed to exercising, discuss with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
  • Healthy diet. Diet can play an important role in relieving stress. Eat a balanced diet and avoid foods that can increase pressure, such as coffee, tea, and high-sugar foods.
  • Relaxation. Relaxation is an effective way to help reduce muscle pressure related to stress. There are many relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation, and massage.
  • Take a stress management class to get strategies to deal with life and stress more effectively.
  • Get enough sleep. Your body may recover from this condition the day after you sleep.
  • Get support from your family, friends and community. Having support in life can keep you healthy.

If you have questions, consult your doctor to understand the best solution for you.

Stay safe, happy and healthy!


Also read: Understanding the Difference between Stress and Anxiety




We Stress Free does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. However, if you need someone to talk to and want to make friends, please feel free to reach me at

If you would like to REDUCE your STRESS and are interested to do an ONLINE THERAPY, you can do so here.



The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.


8 thoughts on “How to Take Care of Stress? – Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

    1. Hello Larry,
      Thank you for taking time to visit my site, read this post and leave a comment. I really appreciate it.
      I am glad to hear that this post is helpful to you.
      Stay safe ans healthy.

  1. Hi, thanks for a great website. I am all the time looking for new ways to reduce my stress. I eat when I’m stressed and your page is the first to offer snack foods that will give you the happy feelings. All other websites talk about deep breathing and other techniques but for me food is where it’s at! I try to live a stress free life but your page was a good refresher on some of the techniques i often forget to do. thanks so much!

    1. Hi Jamie,

      Thank you for taking time to visit my site, read this post and leave a comment. I really appreciate it.

      I am like you. I like to eat when I’m stressed out. Depending on the mood, sometimes I’ll eat sweet stuff like chocolates or savory and hot snacks like cheetos. Those are my go to sncaks when I’m in a bad mood too.
      Glad to know this post is helpful to you!
      Stay safe and healthy!

  2. I really found your article full of great methods to cope with stress more effectively, and explaining how stress affects us is good to know or many of us might not realize we are suffering from stress.

    What is your input on going to counseling for stress-related issues you just are struggling with, I am not sure if this is a good move for me to do or not?


    1. Hi Jeff,
      Thank you for taking time to visit my site, read my post and leave a comment. I really appreciate it! 👍
      If it is an on-going stress you’re suffering, then going to counseling would be a good move. Sometimes we need some kinds of outlet or a place to share our feelings without feeling worried you’d be judged by others. Talking to experts about what you’re going through and share what’s on your mind and what your feelings are will help you to find answers you’re looking for or at least get some advise to see things in a different perspective, answering questions that would open your mind to a better self-care or self-help you can practice at home. But if it’s a severe stress that shows the signs of depression, then they might refer you to a psychiatrist. Hope it makes sense?!

      Once again thanks for your nice comment.
      Take care!

  3. Hi Ferra 👋
    Stress is double sided subject. Some stress is good for you. Like when you are in danger and need to move very fast or a loved one is in danger and you need to be very strong.
    Then there is the over abundance of stress(normally something made up in the mind) that leads to all types of health problems.
    You defined these types very well in your post.
    Stress can also cause you to study harder. It can help you reach deadlines.
    What matters, I guess, is how you handle the stress when you feel it. Do you agree?

    1. Hi Greg,

      I do agree with you. Finding solutions to handle the stress is much better than dwell in it. Don’t let it rule your life and let it turns to depression.

      Thank you for visiting my site and reading this post.

      Glad to know that you found this post useful. 🙂

      I really appreciate your kind words, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


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