7 Ways To Make Peace With Yourself – Pursue True Happiness

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Making peace with yourself is not as easy as it sounds. When you have high expectations for yourself, it will only add to the burden, especially if the expectations are not in accordance with your ability to achieve it.

Comparing yourself with others because of the easy access you have to see other people’s lives sometimes makes you feel ‘small’ and not grateful for what you already have.

If these things are allowed to continue, you won’t be able to accept yourself and get true happiness. For that, you must consider these 7 ways to make peace with yourself:

7 Ways to Make Peace with Yourself and Your Past In the Pursuit of True Happiness

Making peace with yourself is like loving yourself fully. According to Psychology Today, loving yourself is an important part of your mental health and relationships with others.

What do you think about making peace with yourself? Does it sound difficult or easy?

Making peace with yourself is about a learning process that is done consistently. Usually when someone hears the word “consistent” is not an easy work. To be able to make peace with yourself, you must learn to listen, feel, and respect yourself.

This requires a lifetime of your time and to be able to find out what you really need takes a long time. Maybe most people will never have enough with what he or she has, no matter how hard they tried. But the question is, have you started to recognize and make peace with yourself?


How to make peace with yourself

1. Believe in yourself

Make Peace With Yourself: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

Reduce feelings of doubt about yourself. Believe everything that comes from inside you. Whatever happens, you will grow through your personal experience, so be confident in yourself.

You might be smart enough to understand what steps should be taken in each situation. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes because of those mistakes you can learn to be a better person.

Give yourself time to study and be patient as part of making peace with yourself.


Also read: The Negative Effects of OVERTHINKING – What Does It Do To Our Health?


2. Understand your own mind

Making peace with yourself: Understand your own mind

Not all thoughts you have are positive thoughts. Start to analyze the bad thoughts that you have so you can immediately ward off any negative thoughts that arise.

For the sake of making peace with yourself, follow all positive thoughts that can lead you towards a better life. Do not indulge and let negative thoughts continue to drag on in your head.

Also read: CBT for Negative Thinking – Will it help?


3. Care about yourself

7 ways to make peace with yourself: Care about yourself

It might sound easy, but not everyone can do it. Most people actually choose not to think about themselves and always put others first as if their needs and interests are not more important than others.

In fact, this thought actually makes you belittle yourself. Try to love yourself by aligning your feelings with the feelings of others, that your feelings are as important as those of others.

Treat yourself the same way you treat the people you care about. Loving yourself allows you to forgive all the mistakes that have been made so that you can finally make peace with yourself.

Sometimes you have to put yourself first. Your mental health and well-being are as much important as helping others. However, we have to remember, self-care is not selfish. When we take a better care of ourselves, we can care for others well.


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4. Don’t be too ambitious

Make peace with yourself: Don't be too ambitious

Ambition to progress and develop can be a good motivation for yourself, but too much desire can hurt you. Especially if you can’t reach it.

Know your capacity and abilities, and adjust your desires for both. You may want something, but make sure you are not hurting yourself in the process.

Making peace with yourself also means reducing your potential to hurt yourself.


5. Realize that disappointment is a part of life

Realize that disappointment is a part of life. Make peace with yourself.

As a human being, you cannot avoid feeling sad and disappointed. Even people who are successful and happy must have felt those feelings.

Confront these feelings firmly and accept those feelings well. Don’t try to avoid it or pretend you don’t feel it, because it only delays yourself through it.

Give yourself time to process the feeling and do something about it, as part of making peace with yourself.


6. Face your fears

Making peace with yourself by facing your fears

If you have a fear of something, don’t try to hate that feeling. It’s better to acknowledge those feelings and try to deal with the fear you have.

By dealing with it, you will become stronger and get accustomed to it. That fear may never be gone forever, but at least you already know how to overcome it.


7. Don’t be a perfectionist

Make peace with yourself by not trying to be a perfectionist

Making mistakes is a natural thing and definitely done by everyone. Too late in regretting the mistakes you have made will only make you unable to feel happy.

Try to accept the mistakes you have made as part of the learning process. Don’t punish yourself too harshly for the mistakes that have occurred.


How to make peace with your past

Everyone is inseparable from a sad or painful past. Almost everyone has experienced an unpleasant event in the past. Yes, an event that cannot be forgotten even still carried away today. We have tried to forget it, but occasionally it still crossed the mind unconsciously.

It might seem trivial. However, not a few people who eventually become closed and withdraw from the surrounding environment because of the influence of the bad past.

Making peace with the past is one thing you can try to heal yourself from a bitter, though difficult, life experience. It will also be helpful to you for making peace with yourself and be happier.

We can do it by doing these 4 steps:

1. Let everything be a memory

Making peace with your past

Everything that happened in the past will only remain a memory. We cannot change anything that has happened. As a term, we often hear ‘rice has become porridge’. There is no point in continuing to plummet in the past. All will only be a story that has ended. Realize it before it’s too late. Let’s begin to reorganize tomorrow’s life better.


2. Change the mindset about your past

Make peace with your past

Often, we get caught up in the wrong mindset about the past. We assume the bad past is the end of everything.

Events in the dark past continue to overshadow so that makes us afraid to step in and organize the future better. We must change this wrong mindset. Not always we will experience bad events.

There are also times when we have fun and happy events. Remember, life is ups and downs. Enjoy it while we are still given the chance to live in this world.


3. Don’t always consider yourself a victim of circumstances

Make peace with your past: you are not a victim

When something bad happens in life, we tend to blame ourselves. We feel we are victims of circumstances that should not have happened.

Excessive guilt makes us a closed person and does not want to get along with others. We hate ourselves for past events that are hard to accept.

Don’t always consider yourself a victim of circumstance. Give a positive response to painful events in your past.


4. Accept your past as part of your life journey

Accept your past

How to make peace with your past mistakes? By accepting it.

This life is a series of stories of a person’s life journey from time to time. As long as we are still living in this world, our life cycle will continue to revolve from being a child to becoming an adult until entering old age.

Life will go on without matter what we face. If you have experienced a painful past, accept it as part of your life journey. You will feel relieved if you can accept your past.

Don’t ever try to forget it, because no human being can forget his or her past. Make the past a valuable memory that will lead you to a better future.

Embrace and acknowledge it because that’s what makes our lives more colorful!


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How to have a peaceful life

Know when you need a break

take a breakEveryone needs time to take a break every now and then. So, whenever you feel your life’s burden is too heavy, don’t let it crushes you. Whether it is an important project at work or some errands in the house, I think it is okay to take a little break and get back to it later.

I understand, maybe some of you think that it is better to keep going and get done with it so you don’t have to think about it anymore. However, have you ever considered that when you’re tired, it is easy for your to get irritated or angry, your work won’t go well because you are lack of focus and energy, etc?

See, you’ll feel more peaceful when everything is done the well when you are refreshed and have full energy.


Attaining inner peace

Attaining inner peaceHow to find inner peace with yourself? First of all, we must believe that achieving inner peace must be with an understanding of the process. Then united with the desire to achieve that peace. Only then are you aware of every exhalation released from your body?

How to practice peace? 1) Mindful Breathing. When we focus on our breathing, we restore ourselves to the present. 2) Live in the present. We don’t think about the past or the past but the seconds we breathe.

We are here, when and where we are breathing with the realization that we can still breathe, alive, can still eat, laugh, and have a healthy body. Simple things but very meaningful.

In addition, we also have to realize that as human beings who continue to process, we will not be able to go through various kinds of crises or difficult events that might just cause its own trauma.

Many people who are even old are still processing themselves until the end of their lives. Every day there are new events that can cause trauma in the past or even new trauma.

But so as not to accumulate all layers of trauma from childhood, the main step is to realize that in whatever form or scale, trauma must be overcome.

Many of us do not realize that we have feelings of sadness, disappointment, anger. Often we quibble and say, “Ah, it’s okay, it’s over. I’m fine. ”

Trying to feel okay but not fixing the trauma itself can lead to negative emotions that cause us difficulty coping with what needs to be overcome.

What are the long-term effects? Barriers to progressing the answer. We will judge and label ourselves with the trauma that lives within us. For example, by believing that we are less intelligent or less beautiful due to the trauma of those who say so.

We indeed sometimes have to be more sensitive to ourselves. Must understand what kind of crisis can trigger trauma because trauma can be born in any shape and scale even though it cannot be said that one trauma is big or small.

We must learn to recognize things that make us uncomfortable, which prevent us from maximizing our potential or that reduce our values as good individuals. While realizing, we must admit that it is a problem that must be resolved or at least reduced and begin to seek inner peace as an antidote.


Also read: Deep Breathing Exercise for Stress Management


7 Ways To Make Peace With Yourself – Pursue True Happiness

Pursue true happiness

Those are 7 ways to make peace with yourself and more tips on how to make peace with your past in order to pursue true happiness and enjoy your life to the fullest. Making peace with yourself is tantamount to accepting yourself fully, including the mistakes you have made, especially against yourself.

Happiness is not sought from the outside but created by yourself. One way to achieve happiness is to make peace with yourself, which means accepting yourself completely. Also, be grateful for what God has given you.

Stay safe, happy, and healthy!

Ferra 🙂


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We Stress Free does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. However, if you need someone to talk to and want to make friends, please feel free to reach me at ferra@westressfree.com. If you would like to REDUCE your STRESS and are interested to do an ONLINE THERAPY, you can do so here.

Online therapy to help with stress, anxiety, and depression


Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.



Thank you for reading today’s topic: 7 Ways To Make Peace With Yourself – Pursue True Happiness





20 thoughts on “7 Ways To Make Peace With Yourself – Pursue True Happiness

    1. Hi Habib,

      Thank you for visiting my site and leaving a comment here. I really appreciate it.

      Glad you found this post useful for you to remind you about self-care.

      Stay safe, happy and healthy!


    1. Hi Warren,

      Thank you for visiting my site and leaving a comment here. I really appreciate it.

      Glad you found this post useful for you to remind you about self-care.

      Stay safe, happy and healthy!


  1. Thanks for this. You cover many aspects of making peace with yourself. Is there one method that you favor over the others or do you think they are all necessary. Do they work best as sequential steps or is it more like the legs of a table. If you pull on one leg the others will follow. Or is it more a question of what is ailing an individual in particular. I think we all have baggage that is holding us back and we are deviously clever in finding ways to deceive ourselves as to what that baggage is and what needs to be done about it. Thanks again and best regards, Andy.

    1. Hi Andy,

      Thank you for your kind comment. I really appreciate your questions as well.

      Personally, caring for ourselves is one of the great ways to make peace with ourselves. Start from caring for our health by eating right, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, etc will not only improve our physical health, but it will also help with our mental health as well. Our mood will be better and that will support us to think differently about ourselves.

      I agree with you. Everyone has their own reason(s) to be insecure but then again we don’t want to dwell in that. Instead, we should focus our energy and efforts in finding solutions.

      Once again, thank o=you for your thoughtful comment.

      Stay safe, happy and healthy!


  2. It’s strange how humans can be hard on themselves sometimes and in most cases they are usually worried about the things we can’t have control over, why not just let it be and hope for the best outcome. Humans are very wonderful species and if we don’t find a balance between the thing we face, we will end up causing more danger to our own health and happiness on the long run. Understanding these little things matters a lot.

    1. Hi Bella,

      Thank you for stopping by my website, reading the post, and leaving a kind comment.

      I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  3. There is nothing that actually beats the feeling if recognizing ourselves and learning to understand ourselves by being at peace with who we are both in mind and in the body. This is really a very great post that I value a lot. Honestly, what you have shared here in detail can only make everything a lot easier on me. Thanks

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Thank you for stopping by my website, reading the post, and leaving a kind comment.

      I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  4. Lots of good information here.  Loved all the graphics; they make the page look colourful and inviting.  I also like the soothing music button, together with the invitation to subscribe and/or follow on Facebook etc..  It all makes the site more interesting.

    An important and useful set of advice in our stressful times, with lots of good links to other helpful sites.

    1. Hi Anne,

      Thank you for stopping by my website, reading the post, and leaving a kind comment.

      I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  5. Happiness is very important in our day to day activities and it’s also very essential in making human lives worth living. The 7 ways of making peace with yourself that you have here are very nice and I like how you’ve explained each of the 7 ways. I’ll Incorporate some of these ways in to my life and see how it works .

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for stopping by my website, reading the post, and leaving a kind comment.

      I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  6. Hi Ferra, there are two things that I needed to hear and I read them here in your post. The first is not to be a perfectionist. It’s better to turn in things on time than to turn them in “perfect”.

    And the other thing is that it’s really powerful to not consider ourselves a victim of circumstances. When we have a mindset in which we’re responsible for what happens it enables us to strive.

    1. Hi Paolo,

      Thank you for stopping by my website, reading the post, and leaving a kind comment.

      I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


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