What is The Process of Hypnotherapy?

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Do your have a problem and some people around your recommend hypnotherapy? Wait a minute, before doing hypnotherapy your should read this review about hypnotherapy.

There are many people who have experienced the benefits of hypnotherapy. However, by knowing and understanding what is hypnotherapy, the process and its benefits, it will be easier for us to decide whether it is a good choice to treat our condition.

What is The Process of Hypnotherapy? – Hypnotherapy Explained

What is the process of hypnotherapy?

The History of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has been around for hundreds of years with different terms. There is evidence of the practice of hypnotherapy used in ancient Egypt, which is around 3000 years ago.

Then, in the 1770s, a doctor from Austria named Franz Anton Mesmer had a connection with modern hypnotherapy. Mesmer, who was initially interested in seeing magnetic shows in France, eventually developed his own hypnotherapy work. This method was born from the theory of the subconscious mind popularized by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

What is hypnotherapy?

What is hypnotherapy?

Did your know that hypnotherapy has been around for hundreds of years? Hypnotherapy cannot be done by people who do not have expertise. People who have the expertise to do hypnotherapy are a hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis, in which a person’s consciousness changes. Meanwhile, hypnosis is a stimulus to the underworld when a person becomes easily directed and loses the power to react. With this hypnosis, a person can change long-term habits. Although there are scientists who disagree with the way hypnosis works there is successful hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy that uses hypnosis techniques to affect a person’s condition, especially health.

Hypnosis is done by providing education and correct beliefs through the client’s subconscious to change a poor lifestyle, for example, which affects health conditions.

Hypnotherapy is expected to be able to make clients change their way of thinking and then be able to do a healthy lifestyle and get benefits by maintaining a healthy body. The hypnotherapy itself uses relaxation techniques that use the power of suggestion given by the therapist or a placebo effect.

What are the factors that influence the success of hypnotherapy?

For the therapy to work optimally, your need to pay attention to the following factors:

1. Endogenous factors

Endogenous factors are factors that originate from within a person, for example regarding the properties that he has. When going for hypnotherapy, make sure your have a strong reason to change. For example, your are shy, so your can not speak in public. You know that this will slowly hamper your other potential. Therefore, the reason your change is that your want to grow more. You have to be willing to accept changes like, slowly start to develop self-confidence by starting the conversation first. So, the main key to successful hypnotherapy is an inner urge.

2. Exogenous factors

Exogenous factors are factors that originate from environmental factors. Hypnotherapy might work because of environmental factors too. If your are shy, but your job requires your to interact with many people, then the possibility of change is fast happening. You may also have heard someone use the excuse, “The environment that forces me to change.” Well, this exogenous factor is also important.

What is the process of hypnotherapy like?

Several steps can be done while doing hypnotherapy, here are the steps:

Pre-talk stage of hypnotherapy

1. Pre-talk stage

At this stage, the therapist conducts the stage of extracting information. The therapist will find out what exactly causes your to have these bad habits, depression, or trauma. Before doing hypnotherapy your can also do it yourself, so this will motivate your to consistently want to change.

The most important thing when extracting this information is honesty from yourself. Maybe at this stage, your feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about expressing what happened in the past. But if your still have a rejection inside, hypnotherapy is also less likely to succeed. Information gathering must be done properly because the therapist needs to get what is the disease and distress from a problem. The disease is a condition that causes your trauma, while distress is a condition that occurs after trauma.

2. SWOT Analysis

SWOT refers to Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats. Before your get to the stage of hypnosis, your need to recognize yourself. You can do things like this yourself. Try to contemplate what are your strengths and weaknesses, these two factors will make your more confident to change. Then also identify opportunities that your might get, and of course obstacles from within yourself. These can be either giving up easily when your fail or not focusing on your goals.

3. Pre-production stage

At this stage, suggestions will begin to be designed and prepared to influence your subconscious. If your want to succeed, your must be sure. When your doubt even a little, then the risk of failure will be even greater. Many people wonder about the method used or feel worried during therapy so that the therapy doesn’t work.

4. Induction stage

Induction stage in hypnotherapy

At this induction stage, the patient will be brought from alpha waves (the brain is in a conscious condition) to the theta waves (brain waves are in the 3hz-8hz frequency, a half-asleep state). In this condition the patient is made half sleepy, relaxed, but still conscious. Suggestions will easily be included in this condition. This induction stage also determines whether hypnotherapy is successful or not. When someone has not entered the theta state, his mind is still thinking, so even suggestions are difficult to include.

5. Stage of hypnosis

At this stage, a person has already begun to be put on suggestions. The condition of your body will be mild, in a state of half-sleepy, but not fully sleeping. Usually, the therapist will enter suggestions only one at a time, not too many so that the suggestion can work well. Noteworthy at this stage is not to fall asleep, because suggestions are difficult to include.

6. Posthypnotic suggestion stage

Suggestions will continue after the hypnosis is over. The purpose of this stage is so that the patient’s behavior is truly formed as expected. An example of the suggestion that is included can be, “From now on, when your look in the mirror, your will feel amazingly awesome.”

“When your look at the wall paint in your room, your will feel excited and happy.”

7. Termination stage

At this stage, the process of hypnotherapy is ended. You will be brought back to consciousness. Of course, by not directly awakened just like that. Some words will bring your back up.


The difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a process undertaken to work on calm and clarity of mind so that your can enter the subconscious mind. How does hypnosis work?

In the process of hypnosis, your will feel very relaxed and focused. In these circumstances, your can accept the suggestion to achieve the results your want. Hypnosis itself is just a “medium” used in hypnotherapy, which means these two terms have different meanings. Imagine if your are undergoing psychological counseling where your share your problem with the psychologist who is handling your. This sharing process is the media used in psychological counseling. So is the analogy with the process of hypnosis in hypnotherapy.

Those who study hypnosis can just bring someone into the subconscious mind (doing hypnosis), but not necessarily they can become a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis can only make your feel relaxed and focused so that your are more receptive to suggestions such as quitting smoking or reducing anxiety. Meanwhile, in hypnotherapy, your will be asked to dig into your past to process haunting trauma.

Hypnosis is done by hypnotherapists, while hypnotherapy is done by a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis experts can use hypnosis to help people’s problems. However, hypnosis experts are not licensed as hypnotherapists. So, hypnotherapy experts certainly have licenses and professional certificates.

What are the conditions that can be overcome by hypnotherapy?

Here are some conditions that can be overcome by hypnotherapy, such as:

For people who have major trauma, such as childhood trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the life they live in everyday feels full of burdens and “ghosts” who follow each step. Trauma that has been experienced but has not been cured will negatively affect thought patterns and behavior patterns, although sometimes this is not fully realized. But apparently, psychological trauma can be cured by hypnotherapy.

Another example, a person who as a child became a victim of violence might grow up to be a person who is very closed and difficult to build positive relationships with others. Another example is a soldier who has faced an intense conflict situation, when returning to his normal life at home will be a person who is always restless and difficult to contain anger. This shows that behavior problems experienced by someone could be a result of trauma that has ever been experienced.

Treating trauma with hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapists are responsible for hypnosis, seeking the roots of psychological trauma, and neutralizing or changing one’s perception of a traumatic event that causes behavioral problems.

As an illustration, a client experiences childhood trauma from witnessing the arguments and divorce of his parents. After he grew up, he became afraid to build relationships with others so that he always failed in relationships. This is because, in his subconscious mind, this client is afraid that his parents’ divorce will be repeated on him. He also always uses violence as a solution because that is the only way he learns from his parents when solving problems. However, often this childhood trauma is not realized by the client so he only feels frustration due to failure in the romance. Besides, this client is also unable to control his emotions because he does not realize what causes anger so easily ignited.

The hypnotherapist who handles this client will do hypnosis so that the client is in a relaxed state and is very focused on his subconscious mind so that whatever happens around him will not interfere. After that, the hypnotherapist will provoke memories stored deep in the client’s subconscious mind to surface. Then this memory filled with traumatic events and negative emotions will be neutralized by giving suggestions. For example, this client will be given the suggestion to forgive both parents.

The client will also be advised to understand that the divorce between his parents was not caused by the client himself. The memory will not disappear from memory, it’s just that the client now has perceptions and feelings that are far more positive about the memory.

After the client successfully processes and neutralizes the memory, the hypnotherapist will help the client to change the behavior patterns generated by these bad memories. Clients will be suggested to open up and trust others. He will also be given suggestions to control his emotions, for example taking a deep breath when anger starts to overflow.

Is the process dangerous?

Many people believe in the myth popularized by the entertainment media that people who are hypnotized will lose control of themselves. This means that the person who hypnotized your can order your to do anything, including giving up property or revealing secrets. This myth is not true.

When your undergo hypnosis, your can still control your mind actively and fully. Hypnotherapists cannot do brainwashing or mind control. You are the one who must instill yourself the suggestions given by the hypnotherapist. The process of hypnosis will facilitate this process. However, if your reject the suggestion of a hypnotherapist, then there won’t be any changes that occur in your subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy can only be done by mental health professionals who have undergone special education to receive hypnotherapist certificates. Before your begin a hypnotherapy session, make sure that your therapist has an official certificate and supporting scientific background.


From the review above, we have presented the process and various benefits of hypnotherapy. Basically, hypnotherapy uses the technique of distraction with hypnotics which has a relaxing effect on the client and also gives some suggestions to either reduce or cure the disorder. Hypnotherapy has been widely practiced in Indonesia.

Hypnotherapy therapists are required to conduct training and have a certificate of expertise to conduct this hypnotherapy practice. The therapists usually consist of health experts such as doctors, nurses, or also psychiatrists, or psychologists.

For people who are inexperienced and don’t have a hypnotherapist’s certificate, it’s better not to try it yourself. Hypnotherapy can be applied in various aspects such as health, business, social, economic, and others.

If your have questions and need more information, please contact hypnotherapist near your.

Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


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Thank your for reading today’s topic: What is The Process of Hypnotherapy?

20 thoughts on “What is The Process of Hypnotherapy?

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this very informative article.

    I’m very interested in using hypnosis to help me with my sleep issues.

    I see that this is one of the conditions that you feel can be helped with hypnosis.

    As an average, how many sesions do you think would be required to deal with a sleep problem?


    1. Hi Judy,

      Thank you for your comment and question.

      To answer your question about how many sessions would be required to handle a sleep problem, it depends on what type of insomnia you’re having.
      I read there are 2 types of insomnia: transient insomnia (temporary) and persistent insomnia. It could take between 4 to 7 sessions.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  2. I find this article packed with amazing information. Thank you for sharing your expertise and educating the public. It’s awesome to know that there are people like you who care enough to put time and effort into helping hurting hearts.

    1. Hi Sandy,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  3. Hi Ferra,

    It’s a great article on hypnotherapy. I’ve heard people paying for the therapy but not know it’s done. It’s very intimate and it’s the kind of process where it will only work best when the client is truly transparent with his or her therapist.

    Thanks for sharing a wonderful post.


    1. Hi Sam,

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I agree with you. For a better solution to our psychological or health problems, it is important to be transparent to our doctors or therapist.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  4. This was really helpful thank you. I’ve been contemplating getting hypnotherapy for years for my fear of flying but through very little understanding of what it would actually involve I never have. I came across your article that explains it really well.

    1. Hello Amy,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  5. Ferra,

    Thank you for explaining hypnotherapy. I suppose my view has been tainted by too many movies where hypnosis is used to manipulate. As you said, it’s a myth. I enjoyed reading about the difference between hypnotherapy and hypnosis. It’s an interesting topic here. You listed several ailments where hypnotherapy can help. Does hypnotherapy’s success rely on the patient and the doctor? Thank you for your post!

    1. Hi Robert,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful.

      The success of hypnotherapy includes not only the patient and the doctor. It also depends on how severe the ailments are, or if the patient is transparent with their ailment or psychological conditions.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  6. Hi there,

    I never knew there was a difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy, I’ve definitely learned something new today. It sounds very effective, I’ve heard of many people quitting smoking addictions with hypnotherapy amongst other things.

    Very informative article, I look forward to your next one.

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  7. Hi, thank you for this post. I am very interested in hypnotherapy to help me with something and you have cleared up some doubts I had. Thank you.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


    1. Hi Monique,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  8. What a nice post you wrote ! I really enjoyed reading it and could not be silent about your post so I decided to leave my comment here and say Thank You for sharing this quality post. Actually I was looking for information about the process of hypnotherapy and when I landed on your website and read this post, it answered all my questions in details and it was exactly what I wanted to know.
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    write about this topic and share it with others. It’s very useful post in my opinion and can definitely be used as a great source for everyone who is interested to know about this topic.

    I will definitely come back to your site again to read more posts. Keep up quality articles! 🙂


    1. Hi Ali,

      Thank you for your kind comment. So glad to know you found this post useful and enjoyable read.

      I appreciate your visit to my website, sharing, and support.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


  9. Great post and very informative. I love it.
    I heard about hypnotherapy and hypnosis and it can help people, but it seemed scary for me.
    As you mentioned, people are afraid to be controlled or brainwashed. You cleared out the misunderstandings.
    I need help with stress and anxiety. Now that I know what is hypnotherapy, I will definitely seek help from a hypnotherapist.
    Thanks for sharing this knowledge.

    1. Hi Sardar,

      Thank you for stopping by my website, reading the post, and leaving a kind comment.

      I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and support.

      Glad to hear that you found this post useful.

      Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


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